
My goal is to help you find agency in your body. To re-discover past options and create new options, for living the life you want to live.

I offer manual therapy and movement therapy in the form of three different services:

  • Rolfing Structural Integration

  • Private & Group Rolf Movement Classes

  • Private & Group Yoga Classes

Have questions about a specific therapy and which would be best for you? Call the number below.

Rolfing Structural Integration

Rolfing addresses the entire person, affecting structural, functional, psychological, and energetic change through soft tissue manipulation and movement education.

Rolf Movement

Rolf Movement helps to discover and replace habitual patterns of sitting, standing, and moving with more efficient, functional behavior so that tension doesn’t build up as easily in the body.

Private & Group Yoga Classes

Linking breath to movement, and movement to intention. Find your inspiration to move freely with these vinyasa style yoga classes.

Office Location:


Located inside Balance Yoga

120 S Cortez St.
New Orleans, LA 70119


(762) 250-4297

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